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JQA Diary, volume 37 12 June 1828


Emily Wieder Recreation Internal Improvements Native Americans

12. IV:30. Thursday— Thunder Showers— Ride

Southard Samuel L Clay— Henry Roberdeau. Isaac Elliot William Nourse Charles J.

Galling ride with John to the Navy-Yard, and Eastern Branch Bridge. Found in the Nursery 110 Cork Oaks in 29 Rows— Persimon shoots appear in abundance; but that in the Pot outstrips those in the garden and forms larger and longer leaves— In this tree the seed does not come up as Cotyledon, nor form the seed leaves—The plumelet is a dark red stalk shewing itself first above ground in staple form; pressing out its extremity in a yellowish stem which becomes erect, then opens to a fork the two prongs of which in two or three days change and expand into green seed leaves—from these, two leaves proper in two or three days more open, at right angles with them, and then the leaves form in 573pairs, a law of vegetation common to many plants— The Oaks which I had taken for Willow Oaks, appear to be rather the Laurel Oak— I am unable from their present foliage to distinguish between the different kinds of Walnuts, and of White and Chesnut Oaks which have come up. Some of the Oaks have shot up a second Stem, on the top of the first, and are putting forth a secondary foliage— The English walnuts that have come up, are much attacked, and some have been killed by insects. Mr Southard was here after breakfast, and read me a Letter drawn up by Mr M’Kenney, to William Clark Superintendant of Indian Affairs, relating to the Execution of the Act for the exploring parties of Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians to which a detachment of Potawatamis are to be added— He spoke of the manner in which the accounts have been kept at the Treasury of the funds appropriated for internal improvement Surveys; which have been under the charge of Peter Hagner the third Auditor— Mr Clay was here, and submitted a Letter to W. P. Preble authorising the employment of a Mr Deane, as an assistant Agent upon the North-eastern boundary arbitration— Mr Clay expressed some apprehension that Mr Gallatin would be somewhat intolerant of an associate agent— He thinks Mr Gallatin’s conduct towards the Administration unfriendly and unfair, and he says Mr Gallatin’s discourse is neither generous nor just— He also repeated severe animadversions upon the Postmaster General, and says that judge Brook relates many circumstances shewing great abuses in the Post-Offices, intended to operate against the Administration— He said he had asked judge Brook to speak to me on the subject— He complained of being again severely unwell; excused himself from dining with us next Saturday; and said he wished to leave the City upon his Summer excursion next Wednesday— Coll. Roberdeau and Mr William Elliot, brought here a large Sun dial, carved upon a Slate, to be fixed horizontally in a purlieu of this house— We determined on the spot, and as the Slate is to be bedded in a thick plank, I asked Coll. Roberdeau to come at ten to-morrow morning; and sent for Borland the Carpenter to prepare the Plank. Major Nourse Chief Clerk of the War Department, brought me a draft of a Letter to the Governor of Georgia, in answer to a blank cover enclosing a complaint signed by several Citizens of Georgia, as thefts and menaces of Creek Indians. The Catalpa trees are in blossom.