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JQA Diary, volume 37 23 February 1828


Emily Wieder Adams Family Finances African Americans

23. V:30. Saturday—

Talbott Joseph Rich— from Connecticut His Son Gardiner Slade— William junr Hebb Bryan. John H. Preston. James H Rush— Richard

Third sitting to Mr. Greenough the Sculptor at C. B. King’s, which abridged my morning walk— Returning from it, I met at the gate Mr Talbott, of Frederick, Maryland, with a Subscription Book to raise 20,000 dollars, for the purchase of a land, and buildings, to be vested in Trustees, and to be occupied by him for a large Hotel; he paying to the holders of the Stock an interest of 6 per Cent a year; and to repay the principal after the year 1838. His subscription at Frederick and Baltimore was nearly fulfilled— I declined subscribing, but my Son John subscribed for five Shares at 100 dollars each— I was visited after Breakfast by a Mr Rich, who told me he came from Connecticut— His Son and a Mr Gardner were with him— Of these idle visitors, total Strangers, the number is increasing, and has now become of almost daily annoyance— Mr Slade came from the Department of State, for the second Volume of the manuscript Reports of the Department which he took. Mr Hebb came to renew his application for an appointment—Superintendant of the Public Buildings—Treasurer—Chief Clerk of the Treasurer—any thing, to maintain a family of thirteen children— Mr Bryan, member of the House of Representatives from North-Carolina came to renew the application of Farnifold Green a Midshipman dismissed from the service, by sentence of a Court-Martial, to be restored to the Navy— He left with me several Letters recommendatory of Green from respectable persons, among whom are H. G. Burton and W. Gaston. He enquired when the young man should come for my decision— I advised that he should apply next week to the Secretary of the NavyGeneral Preston, called to take leave: returning to Richmond. This Gentleman has been Governor of Virginia, and a General in the Army— He is now Post-master at Richmond, an office obtained for him, by the most earnest solicitation, to Mr Monroe, and which he says is in point of profit so far from answering his expectations, that it compels him to live separated from his family; the emoluments of his place not being sufficient to enable him to maintain them at that place— Mr Rush was here, with Letters from W. Astor, President of the American Fur Company, urging the re-establishment of a Revenue Cutter on Lake Superior— There has been one there heretofore; but of late none— Mr Astor complains of smuggling carried on with Canada, which after having been suppressed by the former Cutter is again reviving by the disuse of such a guard— A Letter from Mr Stuart the Collector at Michillimackinac but now here, countenances the application of Mr Astor. I thought the request should be complied with. Mr Rush also shewed me a confidential private Letter to him from Robert Mitchell, Collector at Pensacola, mentioning that a friend of his, there had spent some weeks last summer in South-Carolina, and had frequently seen Mr Calhoun, with whom he had formerly been intimate as a Schoolmate— That he was in the habit of speaking in the most disrespectful and unbecoming manner of the whole Administration— Said that all the Departments were in a State of the greatest disorder; and that if he was at the head of the Treasury Department, he would effect the same reform in its organization, as he had done in the Department of War— The truth is that of the reforms in the War Department made while 445he was at its head, the most important was the reduction of the army from ten thousand to six thousand men, utterly against his will, against all the influence that he could exercise, and to his entire disapprobation— And all the other changes of organization, were upon plans furnished by Generals Brown and Scott, and carried through Congress chiefly by the Agency of John Williams of Tennessee. Mr Calhoun had no more share of mind in them, than I have in the Acts of Congress to which I affix my signature of approbation— Calhoun is a man of considerable talent, and burning ambition, stimulated to frenzy by success, flattery, and premature advancement. Governed by no steady principle; but sagacious to seize upon every prevailing popular breeze to swell his own sails— Showering favours with lavish hand to make partizans; without discernment in the choice of instruments, and the dupe and tool of every knave cunning enough to drop the oil of fools in his ear— My Son John dined at Governor Barbour’sHolzey, the black boy, belonging to Johnson Hellen, and who has been several years with us, died about five O’Clock this afternoon. He has been sinking several months in a consumption.