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Little Crow's Son. Wo-Wi-Na-Pe. (One Who Comes in Sight.)

Little Crow`s Son. Wo-Wi-Na-Pe. (One Who Comes in Sight.) Carte de visite
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After the Sioux Uprising in 1862, Colonel Henry Sibley led military expeditions and engaged the Sioux in battles, pursuing various individuals who had participated in the conflict. In July 1863 Wo-Wi-Na-Pe and his father, Little Crow, were picking raspberries near Scattered Lake in the Big Woods, when Little Crow was shot and killed. A man named Nathan Lamson, who was out hunting with his own son, had opened fire on the two men without knowledge of their identities. Three weeks later Wo-Wi-Na-Pe was captured by Sibley's troops. He was held at Fort Snelling, Minnesota, put on trial by a military commission, and sentenced to death, although never executed. He spent over two years in prison but was released in 1866, at which time he converted to Christianity and started the first YMCA for the Sioux. Nathan Lamson and his son both recieved financial rewards from the state of Minnesota for their murder of Little Crow.